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Before doing this project, I thought that the culture in countries in South America are very different from the cultures where I come from which is Chinese culture. I understood theoretically that languages are the means by which people communicate with each other and fundamentally shape the ways that people view the world. And that by understanding another language and culture, I would be able to appreciate others more because I understand them more. But I just felt this huge distance between me and cultures in South America that I don’t think will be shortened simply by learning about them. Not only are there a lot of similarities between the three Latin American countries, but there are also a lot of similarities between Chinese and Latin American culture. Through doing this project, I have definitely deepened my worldview by truly understanding that learning other languages and cultures can truly shorten the distance that we feel with other people simply because we understand them more and get that we actually live similarly in many ways and that we all strive towards similar things.

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