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About This Project


Thoughout these past five weeks, I haved started to study Spanish again and also learnt cultures of various Spanish speaking countries in Latin America. In this website, I hope to use my newfound knowledge to make this website with both English and Spanish versions about the cultures of three Spanish speaking countries: Mexico, Argentina, and Venezuela.


I have studied Spanish before but only up till Spanish II at Bear Creek, so I have not learned a lot of advanced concepts. Through this project, I have furthered my studies in Spanish, learning more vocabulary and skills like past tense.


Other than learning more about Spanish as a language, I have also learnt more about cultures in Spanish speaking countries in terms of histories, customs, and food.


In this period of uncertain times when we cannot travel around the world to learn more about other cultures, I hope this website can give you a little glimpse into other cultures and the language of Spanish. Even more, I hope this website allow you to understand more about other cultures and value others more because we are all unique individuals created by God who are meant to be loved.

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